This demo plays an audio clip 5 times in 200ms intervals. Each clip is consists of a beep, followed by ~1 second of silence.
There are only 4 "channels", so when playing for the fifth time, the first channel should be aborted an played from the beginning again.
- Firefox 4b10 seems to postpone the last playthrough Update 2011-02-16: Fixed in recent nightly builds
- Chrome 11.0.667.0 only plays the clip 4 times
- Opera 11.01 plays the clip 5 times but sometimes gets the timing audibly wrong or introduces a click or pop when aborting the clip
- IE9 RC doesn't play the cloned audio elements at all and seems to implement the canplaythrough event as "loaded completely"
- Safari 5.0.3 (Mac) plays the clip 5 times with the right interval but sometimes introduces a click or pop when aborting the clip
- Mobile Safari is completely broken. Apple doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it so I won't go into detail here.