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Yes, exactly... you may try some commands to get the idea of this website. Entering g potatoes, for instance, calls google search for potatoes.
gim potatoes calls the google image search; wp pie searches on wikipedia for pie.
A list of all available commands can be viewed by entering the command ls.

More on commands
There are three different types of commands:
- System Commands,
- Global Commands and
- User Defined Commands

System Commands are "built in" into this website. ls, for instance, is a System Command. A full list of these commands is somewhere below on this page.
Global Commands are available to everyone on PL CMDLINE. These commands actually call a website to search for something. gim is a Global Command. These Global Commands can be supplemented or even overridden with User Defined Commands
If you are registered to PL CMDLINE you can add your own commands with ease, adding new search engines or overriding existing commands.

How do I register?
You can create your account with the command reg <name> <password>
So if you want to create an acount with the name peter and the password asdf (which would be a very bad example for a password), you would simply type in reg peter asdf in the prompt above.

When you're done with that, you should login with the login command. The syntax is the same as for the reg command. In this example you'd have to type login peter asdf to login. Make sure cookies are enabled, otherwise this site will not work for you!

Creating new commands
Creating new commands is done with the mk command. The syntax is:
mk <cmdname> <destination>[[raw]]

So if you want to create a command to search on ebay you'd have to type in:
mk eb
This will create the command eb with the destination url, wheras the %s is a placeholder for your function argument. So if you enter eb ford mustang you'd be redirected to

However, I wrote a simple wrapper for mk, to make it easier for you to create a new command.

System Commands
Here's a list of all System Commands. Thes commands can NOT be overridden by custom ones!

ls; aliases: list; usage: ls -ug <name>
-u : list only User Defined Commands
-g : list only Global commands
example: ls -u a will list all User Defined Commands with an 'a' in their name.

mk; aliases: make, new; usage: mk <cmdname> <destination>[[raw]]
creates a new command with the name cmdname and the url destination. A %s in the destination is the placeholder for the command-argument, [raw] indicates raw-encoding of the argument.
This command can be called via the "frontend" mkform.

mkform; usage: mkform
shows the formular to create a new command.

rm; aliases: del; usage: rm <cmdname>
removes a User Defined Command.

reg; aliases: useradd; usage: reg <name> <password>
creates a new user account.

login; usage: login <name> <password>
guess what!

logout; aliases: exit; usage: logout

whoami; aliases: id; usage: whoami
shows your username and id

help; aliases: ?, man; usage: help
shows this page.

about; usage: about
show the about page.

PL CMDLINE (c) 2005 by Dominic Szablewski;