Dominic Szablewski, @phoboslab
— Wednesday, March 26th 2008

Asaph Beta 2

Based on the wonderful feedback I got on my last post, I just put together a new beta version of Asaph. It fixes the most common problems people had with the last one. This includes:

Again, to install just unpack the zip, enter your database settings in lib/asaph_config.class.php, upload it to your webserver and point your browser to admin/install.php.

If you already installed the previous version, just replace all the files and skip the install step, as the database layout didn’t change.

Asaph version 1.0 – ZIP ~50kbUpdated: Asaph version 1.0

I have some more plans and ideas for future versions of Asaph. Don’t hold your breath though – this will take some time :)

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