Dominic Szablewski, @phoboslab
— Friday, March 21st 2008

Asaph Microblog – Beta

Over the past few weeks I developed Asaph – a small blogging system, that allows you to instantly post links and images directly from any page on the web. This makes Asaph the most fun to use application if you want to collect and show all the cool things you found elsewhere. Asaph is not a full blown blog and it does not aim to be one – it just does this one task, but it’s pretty good at it.


Watch a screencast to learn what makes Asaph worth using: Asaph Screencast on

My own Asaph blog can be found at

Asaph is currently in Beta stage. It needs PHP5 and MySQL4 to run. To install, just unpack the zip, enter your database settings in lib/asaph_config.class.php, upload it to your webserver and point your browser to admin/install.php.

Asaph version 1.0 – ZIP ~50kbUpdated: Asaph version 1.0

Feedback is much appreciated!

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